Back from the machine shop. The feather key / external retaining clip and mil spec washers seem to be doing a decent job of setting everything up.
From here on it's on too the welding. I am most likely going to just wire feed weld the drive shaft together and do some lapping of my beads.
One major discovery is realising 95% of all bearings are metric. Because of this I am going to have to metric too. So my 1/2" drive shaft is going to go 12mm (3/4" now) and the 4130 tubing shells are going down to 1.625 OD.
It's a major setup to do from scratch. When I told my machinist I need to keep a 0.002" tolerance on my bearing cups he said I should hire some one with a newer lathe.
Keeping my x,y,z and zero twist setup is going to be tough.